Winter Storage of TurfBreeze Fans (Indoor and Outdoor) – SubAir Systems


Storing Your Fans in the Winter

TurfBreeze was developed to provide airflow on the surface of golf course greens and sports fields. The fan can help preserve the life of the green and also benefits warm and cool season grasses, promotes an overall healthier turf, controls excess surface moisture from rain, dew or frost, improves quality of shaded grasses, operates quietly, and is an economical and convenient way to provide surface aeration. All in all, this fan is a must-have for any golf course or sports field owner. With all of these great benefits, you’re definitely going to want to keep your turf fan functioning at its prime for as long as possible. One time of the year when you’ll want to be extra careful with your turf fans is during winter. If you aren’t mindful of the weather your fan could become damaged or less effective. This is why storage of  your TurfBreeze fan, no matter if it’s indoor or outdoor, is an important part of maintenance and service.

Storing Your Fans

For indoor fans, you won’t have to do much to prepare for the winter. Just do a check-up on it in the fall to ensure it is working properly, cover it with a blanket or tarp to keep out all the dust that might settle on it. For outdoor fans, there are a few more steps to take. First and foremost, you’ll have to bring your fan inside to a room that isn’t too humid and is well-insulated. If you’re worried about rust, spray problem areas of you fan with WD-40. Essentially, you’ll want to keep all your indoor and outdoor fans in places that are protected from the cold temperatures and dry winds that come from winter. 

SubAir Systems in Graniteville, SC

SubAir is the leader in air flow technology. The SubAir facility, located in Graniteville, South Carolina, houses their administrative offices, engineering, production, shipping, and sales which allows the SubAir team to provide personal service from planning to delivery. SubAir Systems is committed to providing innovative technology and premium service to meet the demands of today’s green industry. If you have any questions or would like to contact someone from our team, please call us at (866) 641-6663 or contact us online