#1 Your greens hate excessive heat way more than your golfers do. After all, they can’t take advantage of your beautiful air-conditioned clubhouse before and after a long, enjoyable round. Greens consistently get pounded by sun and heat.
#2 When a green’s subsoil temperature reaches high levels, the quality of the putting surface diminishes while player frustration increases. Why? Because excessive heat actually shrinks the roots of the putting surface. That’s a major concern for you and the folks yielding their putters.
#3 Easy-to-position and even easier to operate, the use of industry-leading TurfBreeze Golf fans can lower the surface temperature of grass up to 10 degrees. In turn, that can lower the soil temperature approximately 4 to 6 degrees. That can make a remarkable difference you simply cant afford to ignore.
“There is a lack of air movement due to the enclosed design of Red Bull Arena…
“The 2 fans we purchased were a life saver. These 2 particular greens have really made a strong turnaround in less than 30 days…