23 Aug Hidden beneath greens – and fields

Hidden beneath greens – and fields
SubAir Systems helping sports venues improve playing surfaces.
On the surface, the serenity of the greens at Pebble Beach Golf Links on a Sunday afternoon have little in common with the intensity on the 50-yard line at Mile High Stadium on game day for the Denver Broncos.
However, under the surface – literally, under the playing surface – the two are alike, each with equipment specially designed and installed by SubAir Systems.
Hidden underground, or beneath stadium seating, the SubAir units manage aeration and moisture – at speeds 36 times faster than natural drainage alone – with the most advanced technology available to control the turf subsurface environment.
“Golf and football are two different worlds, but the expectations are the same, championship turf to play on,” says Jay Penney, president of SubAir Systems. “And we are getting superior results in both worlds.”
Through its vacuum and forced-air process, SubAir Systems support the overall health of the turf and expedites drainage, all without any interruption to tee times or touchdown drives. All with the touch on a screen. “The TurfWatch Technology really defines us. It puts us far ahead of everyone else in the world,” Penney added.
TurfWatch Technology allows turf managers to monitor field conditions via smart phones, tablets or computers round the clock. The proprietary technology receives real time sensor data on field conditions, activates automatically to adjust air or moisture levels, or allows the turf manager to review data and activate the equipment via web access. TurfWatch also retains historical data, providing information on the impact of agronomic practices, natural phenomena, and weather events on turf conditions.
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