Oxygen and moisture sensors placed below the playing field surface report real-time soil conditions’ data to the control system. Automated operation of the SubAir Sport System will activate according to set soil condition parameters set by turf managers and SubAir turf specialists. With active monitoring, the systems can respond to sudden changes in soil conditions. In a sudden downpour the vacuum systems activate to eliminate excess moisture in the soil profile. Successive high temperature days that increase soil temperature will activate aeration to moderate subsoil temperatures. With TurfWatch™ Technology, turf managers can access the field conditions via smart phones, tablets or computers. The technology retains the historical data to provide information of the impact of agronomic practices, natural phenomena and weather events on turf conditions.
Throughout the construction or renovation of a field, SubAir turf specialists provide on-site installation supervision to integrate with construction workflow. Once installed, the system is commissioned to operation standards and training of the turf management team is conducted. TurfWatch Technology allows remote access to SubAir agronomists to provide support for equipment operations, turf conditions, and updates to control programs.